Friday, September 20, 2024

Blurry Vision: Toward Informed Visions in Richardson’s Planning

Over the course of a few months, Richardson through its Plan Commission and City Council, have had to decide the fate of the vision of the Interurban District just north of Main Street. A repeating pattern has emerged. A pattern repeated so much that it should now be considered adopted city policy. That new implicit policy is that our mutually agreed upon and adopted visions, plans, and zoning should be abandoned and altered whenever a developer asks for an exception. This policy stance was never announced or vetted by the council or the general public. I think this is dangerous to the future success of the City. I want to address why I think it happens. In a future installment I wish to discuss how to fix it.

Source: Main Street/Central Form Based Code, City of Richardson, Altered by the author.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

An Atypical Sunday Afternoon

 On a typical Sunday afternoon, I needed to fuel my diet Dr Pepper addiction problem. I stepped out of the house. What happened next would change it from typical to about as atypical as things can get, and for someone else, it would change their life forever.

Christopher and Family, Myself, Richardson FD
crew, and Medical City Staff.
Source: Medical City